How to build a profitable podcast.
Learn how to start or find the perfect podcast with simple tips and tools.
In the US alone, there are more than 4.3 million podcasts. Apparently, the average American citizen listens to at least eight podcasts per week, the duration of these podcasts is not public, however, podcasts typically range anywhere between 30 minutes to 3 hours – so if you times that by eight, you get quite the significant number. You see, 42% of Americans who are deemed adults have listened to podcasts in their lifetime. Podcasts are therefore an essential part of digital media and information in the United States and the greater world.
If you are somebody who is new to podcasts, whether that is to listening to them or wanting to start your own, then this article aims to shed some light on how you should approach starting a podcast, what tools you can use to find the best podcast for you to listen to and then the best times to actively listen to the information being shared in the podcast itself.
The idea of starting a podcast can be really scary. Where do you start? Should you start by doing some research into which podcasts are lacking themes or should you simply start by talking about things that you're passionate about? How do you know if the information that you provide is helpful or even accurate? Are there any type of laws or rules around the information you're allowed to share or can you just speak freely?
These are oftentimes the questions that new podcasters will ask themselves before starting. However, the most important step to starting is simply to start. A lot of people get carried away with all the questions and answers and they forget to sign up for a site, publish their first podcast, and move on from there.
Of course, you can begin with a little bit of research. Looking into which podcasts are already out there, how popular these podcasts are, and whether or not you find a segment within the world of podcasts that seems to be missing some information. Naturally, if you find a little bit of a niche, chances are that your podcast will be a little more successful than if you were to speak about a topic that has been harped on for years already. However, there are also a lot of podcasts that cater to one or two specific ideologies, such as relationships, life advice, or business advice, and no matter how many podcasts seem to pop up for these topics, there is still a strong sense of popularity within these niches.
You should start by thinking about what you're really passionate about. For example, if you are somebody who is really into online gaming, for example, and you feel that you have a lot of useful tips that players can use and listen to while they're playing, then this might be an interesting niche for you. If you title your podcasts for beginners and offer a step-by-step guide on how they can engage with certain gaming platforms, this could be quite a lucrative little loophole for you or, if you offer clever tips and tricks that online gamers might be able to apply in their gaming journey, this is also a good idea. Say, for example, you were into online casino gaming and you knew of certain platforms that offered thrilling and lucrative online casino bonuses, that would boost the player performance of the punter and give them the means to play certain games without having to use their own investment, then you might suggest as a helpful website for them to look into.
As long as you offer helpful information that someone might have otherwise not been able to get without you, you should be good. The interesting thing about helpful information is that if you continue to provide it, you can actually create a bit of a fan base and loyalty, which then means that more people will listen to your podcast and you could potentially even be remunerated for your podcast.
If you're someone who is interested in listening to podcasts or even someone who wants to start their own podcast, finding good podcasts is ideal either way.
Trying to find the right podcast for you comes with a little bit of trial and error it would be amazing if you could simply find the podcast of your dreams immediately, tap into really resourceful information, and find somebody whose voice you can enjoy for hours on end on your first try. However, this is not always possible and very rarely happens as there is a lot of trial and error that goes into finding the right podcast for you.
The best way for you to find the right podcast is to simply give it a go. Think about which topics you generally like, whether it's a topic about self-actualization, business growth, or maintaining healthy relationships with coworkers or family members, then you could type these keywords into your search bar and see which podcasts pop up. There are certain podcasts that are more popular than others, for example, podcasts by famous actors or actresses typically do rather well or podcasts by comedians or philanthropists also have a special place in a lot of people's hearts. So, if you want to play it safe, then you can always start with these ones.
Furthermore, you can also look into some review sites that focus on sharing helpful information about podcasts. These sites often introduce you to a lot of information concerning how to start a podcast but they also often share a lot of insightful ideas about podcasts that might be interesting for you, often categorizing them in certain topics. By capitalizing on the information provided by sites like these, you can save yourself a lot of research time. Sites like are always a good start when you're trying to navigate either starting a podcast or trying to find a podcast that you'd enjoy. You see, would only ever recommend podcasts that are actually good, so even if you listen to podcasts that are not completely in your niche, it'll be a genuinely solid podcast nonetheless.
Have you ever noticed that people often say that listening is a bit of an art form? Many people are grand at giving advice and talking but they're not that good at listening. Listening is truly a skill that you have to acquire and if you want podcasts to really sink in, then you need to try to improve your listening.
The easiest way for you to go about this is to set aside a designated time to listen to podcasts when you're in your own world and able to focus on what is really being said without being distracted. Distractions are the bain of existence to any podcast. Therefore, if you know that you have one hour in your day that's relatively free, be it in the morning or the evening, this might be a good time for you to listen to your podcast.
If your days are a little bit more busy and you don't feel like you have the time to set aside a designated amount of space for a podcast, then you can also combine it with something else that you do, perhaps something that's a little bit mundane but that does not require your full attention. For example, if you were to clean the dishes or clean the bathroom once a week or every evening, then you could listen to a podcast while you're doing this. As the action itself doesn't take that much of your attention, a lot of your attention can then be brought to the podcast.
Try to think with the podcast. This is one of the best ways for you to actually learn. If you're actively listening to what is being said and you're letting your mind wander a little bit and ask yourself some questions, this will greatly improve the level of your attention span.
Don't be too hard on yourself. That's the last piece of advice. Podcasts, especially if you're not just listening to fun ones but informative ones, can actually feel like a bit of a study. A lot of people like to make notes while they listen to podcasts, actually using them as a source of information. Therefore, it's not always the easiest thing to start incorporating into a day as learning can be tough. So, don't allow yourself to be discouraged. Always listen to the podcast that interests you, try to find friends to listen to ones that are similar, and share ones that you really enjoy so that your friends can also maybe lighten up their load when it comes to their podcast listening.
Podcasts have been around for just under a decade now. They reached mainstream popularity a good six or seven years ago and they seem to be showing no signs of slowing down. As mentioned above, there are more than 4.3 million podcasts in the US alone, which means that in the world there are probably tens of millions. It will be interesting to see whether or not podcasts become a fact that eventually dies down or if they continue to stay relevant. You see, with a lot of technologies and social media platforms, as new ones are coming out, old ones become obsolete. However, with podcasts, it's really just people sharing their opinions and voices, there's very little to do with digital interfaces and designs, therefore, podcasts could stay around a lot longer than you might think.
Now that you know all there is to know about podcasts, do you think you'll either start a podcast or become a keen listener? The choice is completely up to you, just remember that doing your own podcast requires a lot of attention and discipline, and listening to podcasts also requires a lot of attention and listening, therefore, don't underestimate the energy you need to put into a podcast but also don't underestimate the benefits that it gives you in the form of information.
Podcasts are a powerful medium for sharing ideas, learning, and entertainment. Whether you’re ready to start your own podcast or just looking for your next favorite listen, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the journey and let podcasts inspire and inform you!
Where you learn how to start and grow a profitable podcast.